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Popular Articles

Browse our most popular articles about degrees, careers, and more.
  • Career Information for a Degree in Animal Science

    Degrees in animal science typically cover livestock production, genetics, nutrition, and microbiology. Find out about the requirements of these programs, and learn about career options, job...

  • Career Information for a Degree in Construction Engineering

    Construction engineering degree programs generally teach the engineering techniques and management principles that can be utilized in the heavy construction industry. Continue reading for an...

  • Regent University | MA in Law - Business

    Students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Law with a concentration in Business program at Regent University have the chance to learn compliance and regulation skills that would serve them in...

  • Regent University | BA in History

    The Bachelor of Arts in History at Regent University provides students with the chance to explore histories and cultures from around the globe. Read more about the details of the BA in History...

  • Regent University | MEd in Christian School Administration

    Aspiring school administrators who wish to learn what is involved in operating and managing a Christian-based educational institution might be interested in the Master of Education (MEd) in...

  • Regent University | EdD in K-12 School Leadership

    Teachers who want to advance their careers into principal or assistant principal roles may be interested in Regent University's Doctor of Education with a concentration in K-12 School...